In News

The AMSI Summer School 2016 included a series of lunchtime lectures. Professor J. Hyam Rubinstein (The University of Melbourne) discusses 2, 3 and 4 dimensional worlds.


There have been spectacular advances in the study of how 2, 3 and 4 dimensional spaces work over the last several decades, including multiple Field medal winning work. The talk reviews geometry and topology interaction in exciting ways in `low dimensions’. Physics comes into the picture, especially in dimension 4.


Hyam did his honours in maths and stats at Monash University then a PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. He was a postdoc then lecturer at The University of Melbourne and in 1982 he was appointed as a Professor.

Hyam has been head of department twice, President of the Australian Mathematical Society and Chair of the National Committee for Mathematical Sciences. He has supervised around 25 Masters and PhD students and his research interests are in low dimensional geometry and topology, minimal surfaces, differential geometry, shortest networks, optimisation and machine learning.

Hyam is also involved in MineOptima which sells software to design access infrastructure for underground mines.