In News

Our annual report for 2014 is now available online.

AMSI’s forward momentum continues and 2014’s achievements have set us up for future program growth.

Our public profile, as a leader and advocate for the mathematical sciences, was consolidated with the release of the 2014 Discipline Profile. Timely and widely read, this annual publication brought critical issues and policy proposals to national attention.

AMSI Intern secured a co-investment scheme with eight member institutions and established partnerships with key national associations. These partnerships will contribute to the program achieving national impact through placement growth.

Our Higher Education program, with continued support from the Commonwealth, has seen a 96 per cent increase in attendances. Popularity of the shared honours programs continued and 2015 will be an exciting year for remote collaboration. We also introduced a number of successful measures to increase female participation across all events; this is an ongoing focus for AMSI.

AMSI’s Research program continues to grow in stature, attracting over 40 international speakers to 16 workshops. The highlight of 2014 was Terry Speed’s national tour.

The AMSI Schools program continued its work in metropolitan and rural areas. The Calculate website is a digital resource hub for teachers, parents and students; and Maths Ad(d)s remains popular at Australian schools. Additionally, the publication of the AMSI Gender Report is contributing to major initiatives in 2015 and beyond. AMSI’s mission of outreach remains strong.

We actively engaged with government and industry throughout the year and will continue to be a strong public voice for the mathematical sciences.

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