Dr David Lovell leads CSIRO’s Transformational Biology Platform and is the Director of the Australian Bioinformatics Network (ABN) he will be attending BioInfoSummer 2014 not only to speak about the exciting field of bioinformatics, but also to hear about new methods and technologies that are emerging.
In this short video interview, David explains that the complexity of life makes bioinformatics a fast-changing field and why we need a bioinformatics network. “One way to think of the ABN is as a practical response to the depth and diversity of bioinformatics,” David told Stephanie before the interview.
He went on to admit that no individual, including himself, could hope to have deep skills in all the aspects of bioinformatics needed in modern bioscience. “Establishing a network — or community — of bioinformaticians offers a way to engage with a diverse range of experts and foster sharing, reuse, innovation, collaboration and learning,” he said.
To hear more about the ABN don’t miss David’s talk on Thursday 4 December , but catch him before that at Tuesday evening’s careers panel discussion. David believes that the panel discussion is a great opportunity to go beyond the hype and gain some realistic impressions of what bioinformatics can be like as a career, and where it can take you.
“Personally, I find bioinformatics—or more broadly, quantitative bioscience—absolutely fascinating. To me this is where a lot of rubber hits the road in our journey towards understanding living organisms. Excellent bioinformatics is vital to excellent bioscience. But I don’t think the road for bioinformatics or bioscience is a straight one! I have some things to share about skills and approaches that can help in navigating that road, and I am definitely looking forward to learning from my fellow panelists and the audience,” he told Stephanie before the interview.
The lineup for BioInfoSummer 2014 is outstanding, PLUS this kind of meeting is a brilliant way to connect with others who are on the journey to understand biological information.