In News

For a Christmas tree to make your neighbours green with envy, maths students at the University of Sheffield have the perfect festive formula to help you decorate. Created by members of the University’s maths society (SUMS) the formula ensures the ratio of lights, tinsel and baubles is just right to turn a home into a winter wonderland.

Once the ideal Christmas tree has been found, use the calculator to make sure your tree-topping star or angel is the right height and you have the correct number of decorations for the perfect look.

The formula looks like this:

Number of baubles = √17/20 x (tree height in cms)

The length of tinsel (cms) = 13xπ/8 x (tree height in cms)

The length of lights (cms) = π x (tree height in cms)

The height of the star / fairy (cms) = (height of tree (cms))/10

For example, a 180cm (6ft) Christmas tree would need 37 baubles, around 919 cms of tinsel and 565 cms of lights and an 18cm star or angel is required to achieve the perfect look.

Sam Hayes, President of SUMS said: “I’m often asked what the point of maths is; the Christmas tree formula – which was actually created by two former students and members of SUMS a couple of years ago – is something which everyone can relate to and shows how maths can be used in everyday life.

“It’s a bit of fun and if gets people engaging with maths while enjoying the festive season then it’s a good thing.”

To use the calculator click here