Narayan Srinivasan
Queensland University of Technology
I am a first PhD candidate at the Queensland University of Technology. My research is in the field of Bayesian statistics. Before coming to Australia, I completed my BS-MS degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education Research, Kolkata in India, with a major in mathematical Sciences. I am interested in the applications of probability theory and mathematical analysis for developing faster and more efficient computational methods for Bayesian Inference. I am interested in a wide range of scientific modelling using Bayesian statistics and hope to contribute towards statistical modelling in exciting new scientific domains.
1. Can you give me a quick rundown about the type of mathematics you are studying and its potential impacts for the broader community (think how you would explain your work and studies to others who don’t study maths)
I am broadly interested in computational statistics. I try to develop methods and computational tools (like software packages in R/python) for implementing various statistical methods. Specifically, my focus is on Bayesian statistics and leveraging the power of modern computers, for performing complex and large-scale data analysis. The methods I develop can be applied to a wide range of fields which require data analysis including machine learning, ecology, bioinformatics, etc.
2. How did you get into mathematics/statistics/data science? Was there someone or something that inspired you to this field?
I was studying as an undergraduate in mathematics in India. While my courses were more focused towards analysis and probability, I found myself more interested in statistics. Along with this I always enjoyed exploring different topics in science and engineering. Finally, this led to me completing my Master’s thesis in Bayesian inference and eventually embarking on my PhD in Bayesian and computational statistics. My current research is at an optimal intersection of theory, methodology and exciting scientific applications.
3. You received a Travel Grant to attend AMSI Summer School 2024. How important was this in terms of your ability to attend, fully participate in the program and meet others studying in similar fields? Do you think it was an advantage to attend the program in-person?
I am extremely grateful for receiving the grant and attending in person. I had plenty of invaluable interactions with the lecturers and memorable experiences with my fellow students. Meeting in person allowed me to discuss the course topics, present in the student talks, and work on assignments with my peers.
4. What was the most valuable part of the program for you?
I had several interesting and insightful discussions with the lecturers about the connections between their fields of expertise and my own PhD research. I was able to develop a strong understanding of subjects relevant to my research. This opportunity opened the possibility of collaborations in the future.
5. In the long-term, what do you think are the benefits of having attended Summer School?
Definitely, the connections and friendships I formed during the four weeks as well as the new topics I was introduced to.
6. Summer School included a special Careers Day program which aims to help give students an idea of the kinds of career paths available to maths graduates in industry and private sector research areas. Do you feel better equipped to explore career options in the mathematical sciences after attending AMSI Summer School?
The careers day was an excellent opportunity to be exposed to the various career paths for mathematics graduates outside of academia. I understood the value of the skills, developed while studying mathematics in the private sector and also the importance of completing internships during my studies so as to equip myself better for industry.
7. What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for Summer School in 2025? Should they apply and why?
I would like to recommend anybody interested in exploring mathematics to attend the summer school. The summer school offers a wide range of topics, interesting lunchtime lectures, fruitful discussions and lifelong friendships.
8. What are your current career ambitions in the mathematical sciences sector?
I wish to establish myself as a researcher in computational statistics, working at the interface of industry and academia.
9. How did connecting with the community at AMSI Summer School support your experience?
Since, I am relatively new to Australia, the summer school was a great time for socializing and interacting with researchers and students across Australia. I had several interesting discussions about my research, related areas of mathematics and the thrills and anxieties of conducting research.