Mingjian Tang
University of Technology Sydney
He’s a second-year PhD student at the University of Technology Sydney. His research interests include intellectual privacy, security, and economics. He aims to address privacy issues by applying economic tools to enhance privacy security
1. Give me a quick overview of the type of mathematics you are studying, and/or the aims of your research and its potential applications/outcomes (how you would explain your work and studies to friends who don’t study maths?)
My research focuses on privacy pricing. I am working on game theory related methods to evaluate the value of privacy in market and set an appropriate price. The method offers a solution that all participants are happy to accept, and all of them could maximise their benefits.
2. How did you get into the mathematical sciences? Was there someone or something that inspired you to this field?
Yes my supervisor suggested that I conduct the research related to economics and mathematical modelling to help address privacy related issues.
3. Winter School is designed to give students a deeper understanding of their area of research and expose them to others working in different fields/industries. Tell me about your Winter School experience. What was the most valuable part of the program for you?
The winter school helped me understand more about finance and mathematical modelling, such as predictive models for stock forecasting and techniques for modelling the uncertainty problems. The most valuable aspect was the time spent with the friends from different research interests and people from both academia and industrial.
4. What was your main take away/s from AMSI Winter School? Something you learnt? A connection you made? Do you have new ideas for your work/research or see it in a new light?
I have learnt knowledge on finance and mathematical modelling targeted on uncertainty, which helps me to develop the solution of my research questions. New research ideas related to privacy from insurance, prediction, risk modelling are popped out. Connections with researchers and industry leaders also help me explore the research ideas and career choices.
5. You received a grant to attend AMSI Winter School. How important was this in terms of your ability to attend, fully participate in the program and meet others studying in similar fields?
The grant supports me fully attend the study of winter school, and covers the rent for two weeks and the flights tickets for interstate.
6. What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for Winter School? How would you describe the conference to them?
The AMSI Winter School is a great chance to learn mathematical related knowledge to help develop your research project. It is also a great chance to connect both academia and industry, and make friends.
7. Where do you want the mathematical sciences to take you? Where do you see yourself in five, ten years time?
I would like the mathematical tools helps me develop my research that relates to evaluates and prices privacy. I hope I can confident carry out the solid research outcome in five years, and be a researcher who can identify the great research problems and carry out the solid solution.
8. Any other feedback/comments you would like to provide on the travel grant or AMSI Winter School?
Thanks for the chance to take me to the winter school, and thanks for the perfect organisation including the arrangements for lectures, activities, tea breaks, and meals.