Yan Zhou
The University of Adelaide
I am a PhD candidate in biomedical sciences, focusing on bioinformatics and drug discovery. My research aims to identify novel therapeutic targets for managing diseases, such as mucositis and pancreatic cancer, using single-cell sequencing data and machine learning techniques. Through bioinformatic analysing and experimental validation, I hope to contribute to undercover the mechanism of complex clinical conditions and advancing precision medicine.
Can you describe the area of mathematics or bioinformatics you’re focusing on, and what you hope to achieve through your research?
My current research focuses on using bioinformatics tools to analyse single-cell sequencing data. To uncover molecular mechanisms driving disease progression and predict potential drug targets.
What inspired you to pursue a career in bioinformatics or the mathematical sciences?
Bioinformatics has become an indispensable tool in drug development and clinical applications. My primary goal in learning bioinformatics is to analyse and process large set of physiological data.
If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Find a subject you are interested in, keep learning it, and be brave.
How was your AMSI BioInfoSummer experience?
I attended AMSI BioInfoSummer to enhance my bioinformatics skills, explore emerging trends, and connect with peers and experts. The conference provided high-quality workshops and networking opportunities. I would highly recommend it to peers as a platform for someone work in bioinformatics field.
You received an AMSI BioInfoSummer travel grant to attend in person. How did this grant impact your ability to participate fully?
The travel grant made it financially feasible for me to attend in person. Without the grant, it would have been challenging to participate due to budget constraints, especially accommodation expanse.
What was the most valuable experience or takeaway from AMSI BioInfoSummer?
The most valuable takeaway was gaining hands-on experience in advanced bioinformatics techniques during the workshops. For the workshops I attended: algebraic-systems-biology, machine-learning and tumour-microenvironment. They all provide valuable experience for the future study.
Where do you see your journey in mathematical sciences taking you in the next 5–10 years?
I think I’ll working on both of bioinformatics and drug development, contributing to the discovery of innovative therapies. AMSI BioInfoSummer introduced me to industry and academia as a bioinformatician, inspiring me to consider roles work with both computational and experimental skills.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience or feedback on AMSI BioInfoSummer or the travel grant?
AMSI BioInfoSummer provides an excellent opportunity for researchers studying bioinformatics to connect and exchange ideas. It also offers insights into the latest advancements in the field, which greatly contributes to planning future projects.