People who study geometry like to ask the question: “What is the shape of that?” In this case, the word “that” can refer to a variety of things, from triangles and circles to knots and surfaces to the universe we inhabit and beyond. In this talk, we will examine some of my favourite gems from the world of geometry and see the interplay between geometry, algebra, and theoretical physics. And the only prerequisite you will need is your imagination!

Speaker Biography

Norman Do is, first and foremost, a self-confessed maths geek! As a high school student, he represented Australia at the International Mathematical Olympiad. He completed a PhD at The University of Melbourne, before working at McGill University in Canada. He is currently a Lecturer and a DECRA Research Fellow in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University.

His research lies at the interface of geometry and mathematical physics, although he is excited by almost any flavour of mathematics. Norman is heavily involved in enrichment for school students, regularly lecturing at the National Mathematics Summer School and currently chairing the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Senior Problems Committee.