In News

As this year’s Australian Mathematics Society Medallist (AustMS) and Gavin Brown Best Paper Prize winners, Dr Scott Morrison and Professor Andrew Hassell have set a new standard for outstanding contributions to mathematical sciences. The Australian National University mathematicians were honoured at the opening of last month’s AustMS annual meeting, in Adelaide.

AustMS Medal winner, Dr Morrison, was recognised for his research on quantum symmetries and subfactor theory and his role as co-founder of MathOverlow, a leading online platform for Mathematicians seeking to engage with other experts across the field. Excited to receive his award and share his research, Dr Morrison praised AustMS and the AMSI for their advocacy of professional mathematics in Australia.

“The outreach, professional development programs and recognition of achievement offered by organisations such as AustMS and AMSI are vital in supporting mathematicians as they work to increase community engagement with maths and foster the next generation of innovators.

Professor Andrew Hassell who received the 2015 Gavin Brown Best Paper prize for his breakthrough work Ergodic billiards that are not quantum unique ergodic, also applauded AustMS for its continued efforts supporting Australian mathematics and its continued impact on all areas of science and industry.

“AustMs plays a critical role in fostering and promoting professional mathematics both in Australia and globally,” he said.

AustMS President, Professor Tim Marchant said the pair had set a new standard with their work and the impact they’ve had on their field.

“Dr Morrison and Professor Hassell have demonstrated excellence and innovation in their cutting-edge contributions to the expansion of mathematical understanding and application across a broad range of disciplines.”