In AMSI scholarship recipient
AMSI scholarship recipient profile:Elizabeth Rose

Elizabeth Rose

University of Sydney

Elizabeth Rosegrew up on a small farm in the Northern Rivers of NSW and moved to Sydney for university. Having completed a Bachelor of Science with majors in Physics and Mathematics, She currently completing  Honours in Applied Mathematics. She is studying part time, as she is also working part time for a small geospatial consulting firm, Symbios Communications. In this role, one of her main tasks is providing secretariat support for various groups of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). Elizabeth Rose is also currently working on a project with CSIRO on exploring connections between the Australian and Vietnamese geospatial industries.

She also enjoy teaching mathematics, and tutor first year maths for the university. This is sometimes a challenging role, as the course is a core requirement for most of her students. As such, I tries best to make the tutorials fun and engaging, to encourage further study of mathematics.

Growing up on a farm, I learnt how important the weather is, and what a key role the weather forecasts play in rural life. As such, I plan on applying for the Bureau of Meteorology’s Graduate Program this year, following the completion of my Honours. I would like to spend some time on the forecasting desk, before hopefully transferring to Meteorological research

Can you give me a quick overview of the type of mathematics you are studying and its potential impacts for the broader community?

I am studying Applied Mathematics, and hope to eventually become a meteorologist. The weather impacts the lives of everyone on earth, and by helping to improve our forecasting models, I hope to better the weather predictions that are observed by all Australians. In particular, I would like to improve the forecasts used by rural communities, as their livelihoods depend on the ability to make the correct decisions to match the weather patterns.

How did you get into mathematics/statistics/data science? Was there someone or something that inspired you to this field?

Growing up in regional NSW and attending the local public high school, I had to be self-motivated to get where I am today. My Year 11 & 12 Mathematics teachers inspired me greatly to keep pushing myself. At my high school, I also saw a lot of people fall through the gaps in the system, as there was a significant lack in good maths teachers. This also inspired me, as I always pushed to help those around me.

You received a scholarship to attend AMSI Summer School 2022. How important was this in terms of your ability to attend, fully participate in the program and meet others studying in similar fields?

Without receiving the scholarship, I wouldn’t have attended the Summer School. I was unable to take the course for credit, and as such would not have been able to justify the cost of attending.

The purpose of Summer School is to give students an opportunity to develop their mathematical skills, meet like-minded people and network with potential employers. What was the most valuable part of the program for you? Was it the course content or the people you met? Do you have new ideas for your work/research or see it in a new light?

The offering of the Geological Fluid Dynamics course was the main reason I wanted to attend the Summer School, as this relates to my keen interest in Meteorology. The course was unlike any other offered at my university, and I also met some like-minded students who helped me gain insight into the coursework.

Summer School included a special Careers Day program which aims to help give students an idea of the kinds of career paths available to maths graduates in industry and private sector research areas. Were you previously aware of the types of industry opportunities available to mathematical science graduates? Would you consider working with industry? Do you feel better equipped to explore career options in the mathematical sciences after attending AMSI Summer School?

As mentioned previously, I have a strong interest in working for the Bureau of Meteorology, and hence it was great to see them at the Careers Day. I had a really nice chat to the two BoM representatives, and they gave me further insights into what the day-to-day life is as a Forecaster. I also learnt from them that it is common to only spend a couple of years on the forecaster desk, before moving to different departments within the Bureau, such as research (which is where I hope to end up).

AMSI Summer School was held as a virtual event. What was the biggest positive from your point of view holding it in this format and/or the biggest challenge?

The virtual format was good, as it allowed me to complete the Summer School from my parent’s farm in regional NSW. However, I do believe an in-person event would offer more opportunities to meet people, and make stronger connections.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for Summer School in 2023? Should they apply and why?

I really liked the diversity of courses, and it allows you to study courses not necessarily offered by your home university. I would hence advise that if a course looks interesting to someone, they should take it as it allows for the broadening of your understanding of mathematics.

Where do you want the mathematical sciences to take you? Where do you see yourself in five, ten years time?

I hope to end up in meteorological research, following some time as a forecaster. I also may end up teaching higher level high school maths, as I saw so many peers fall through the gaps due to the lack of qualified teachers in regional NSW. This could be ideal as I am a country girl at heart!

Any other comments you would like to provide ?

The program was amazing and I would just like to thank you for the scholarship and the opportunities I found.