Join us at University of Sydney for the next BioInfoSummer symposium from 7 – 11 December 2015

Bioinformatics, is an exciting, fast‑moving area analysing and simulating the structures and processes of biological systems. BioInfoSummer provides bioinformatics training to students, researchers and others working in related areas.

The event includes both specialist lectures and hands on introductory and advanced computer workshops.

  • Introduction to Biology and Bioinformatics – A general introduction to biology for attendees with mathematics, statistics and computer science backgrounds and introductory informatics for participants from a biology background.
  • Epigenomics – Methods and applications of epigenomic NGS technologies, including ChIP-seq and WGBS-Seq.
  • Translational Genomics – Methods of variant calling and mutation analysis based on sequencing data and their application in translational medicine, in particular, cancer genomics.
  • Proteomics and Metabolomics – Bioinformatics and bio-statistical methods used in the study of proteins and metabolites using quantitative mass spectrometry.
  • Systems Biology, Networks and Data Integration – Approaches to examine the biological system as a whole.