Event Details
- Dates: 27 November 2017 - 1 December 2017
- Venue: The University of Adelaide
- Categories: Scientific Workshop
- Website: http://www.iga.adelaide.edu.au/workshops/MKM60/
This meeting will bring together leading international and Australian researchers to discuss new developments in differential geometry, with a particular emphasis on the areas of gauge theory and higher geometry in recognition of the important contributions that Michael Murray has made to these fields over the last four decades.
The meeting will feature talks by invited speakers on current research topics, which will both describe recent advances in the areas of the workshop as well as highlight applications of these topics to other important areas in mathematics and physics. In more detail, the format of the meeting will be as follows: morning talks, by keynote speakers (one of whom includes Professor Frances Kirwan, FRS), will be 1 hour in length, followed by shorter, more focussed, afternoon talks of 45 minutes duration. We have also scheduled breaks in the middle of the day during which we hope that participants will be able to hold productive discussions on aspects of the different research topics that are being presented.