This 2014 edition of the highly successful conference series, GAGTA (Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications) will take place in Newcastle Australia.

GAGTA is a series of conferences organised periodically, since 2005, by researchers in Group Theory all over the world.

This five-day conference will bring together the world’s leading researchers in geometric and asymptotic group theory. The program will include informal discussions, networking and collaboration, and opportunities for younger researchers to present their work.

GAGTA conferences are devoted to the study of a variety of areas in Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory, including asymptotic and probabilistic methods, as well as algorithmic and computational topics involving groups.

In particular, areas of interest include group actions, isoperimetric functions, growth, asymptotic invariants, random walks, algebraic geometry over groups, algorithmic problems and their complexity, generic properties and generic complexity, and applications to non-commutative cryptography.

Speakers include:

  • Kate Juschenko, Northwestern, USA
  • Olga Kharlampovich, Hunter College, USA
  • Alexei Miasnikov, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
  • Sarah Rees, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

Note this event takes place at multiple locations. Please visit the event website for further detail.