Event Details
- Dates: 11 September 2014 9:00 am - 11 September 2014 5:00 pm
- Venue: AGR Room 66, Building 8, Level 9 - RMIT University
- Speaker: Professor Ian Wanless, Monash University
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Time is AEST
A trade or switching is a small local change that moves you
from one combinatorial object to a distinct object of the same
type. As I will explain, there are very many reasons why you
might want to do that!
Trades have been extensively studied in Latin squares,
binary matrices, Steiner triple systems, 1-factorisations and so on.
I will survey some of the results from those studies from the last
decade or so.
The last part of the talk will be devoted to some new(?) results
of myself and Padraig O’Cathain on trades in Hadamard matrices.
In particular we are interested in finding the smallest possible
Host University: RMIT University
Seminar Convener: Stelios Georgiou