(This is a joint seminar with Lauriane Mouysset)

This paper investigates the role played by cooperation for the sustainable harvesting of an ecosystem. To achieve this, a bio-economic model based on a multi-species dynamics with interspecific relationships and multi-agent catches is considered. A comparison between the non-cooperative and cooperative optimal strategies is carried out. Revisiting the Tragedy of Open Access and over-exploitation issues, it is first proved analytically how harvesting pressure is larger in the non-cooperative case for every species. Then it is examined to what extent gains from cooperation can also be derived for the state of the ecosystem. It turns out that cooperation clearly promotes the conservation of every species when the number of agents is high. When the number of agents remains limited, results are more complicated, especially if a species-by-species viewpoint is adopted. However, we identify two metrics involving the state of every species and accounting for their ecological interactions which exhibit gains from cooperation at the ecosystem scale in the general case. Numerical examples illustrate the mathematical findings.

About the speaker: Luc Doyen, Doctor in applied mathematics, has received an education in control theory, optimisation and mathematical economics. He currently holds a permanent position of Director of Research at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), where he is especially involved in bio-economic modelling, viable management of biodiversity and mathematics of sustainability. He is now affiliated to the GREThA (Research Group Theoretical and Applied Economics) at the University of Bordeaux where he is the leader of the team II devoted to ‘ecosystems dynamics’. His publications (60 in international peer-reviewed journals, 1 book Springer, H-index=24, 1928 citations), his international network of collaboration, his supervision and teaching activities (8 doctorates) emphasise both the scientific excellence, the international dimensions and the interdisciplinarity of his work at the interface between economics, ecology, mathematics and computer sciences. The applied component of his research relies on contracts and grants pointing out the transfer of the theoretical results toward international or national institutions such as CSIRO, CGIAR, INRA, IFREMER, IRSTEA regarding the sustainable management of ecosystems and biodiversity through fisheries and land-use. In particular, Luc Doyen is the leader of the international SEAVIEW network funded by the Belmont Forum regarding the scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services and bringing together researchers from Germany, Norway, France, Brazil, Australia and South Africa. He also participates to different European programs including GEO-SAFE (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015) and OYAMAR (ERDF). Luc Doyen is the current president of the Resource Modelling Association (RMA) and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of SIAG-MPE, a SIAM Activity Group devoted to Mathematics of Planet Earth. LucDoyen recently organised several international events including in 2013 a quarterly thematic program at IHP (Institute Henri Poincaré) entitled “mathematics of bio-economics” in the framework of the international event MPE 2013 (Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013) and the 2015 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling. Luc Doyen is also member of the editorial board of the journal Natural Resource Modeling and reviewer of numerous international journals in environmental economics, ecology, mathematics and modeling.

How to participate in this seminar:

1. Book your nearest ACE facility;

2. Notify Vera Roshchina at RMIT (rmitopt@rmit.edu.au) to notify you will be participating.

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