Liam Wood Baker
Monash University
I’m a fifth-year student from Monash University just about to begin my Honours year. I have just completed my Arts/Science double degree, with majors in Chinese and Mathematics.
1. Can you give me a quick rundown about the type of mathematics you are studying and its potential impacts for the broader community (think how you would explain your work and studies to others who don’t study maths)
My Honours project is in Statistical Mechanics, about something called the Isling model. Statistical Mechanics comes from Mathematical Physics, and is an attempt to model different sorts of physical systems using random variables. The model that my project is related to comes from modelling magnets.
2. How did you get into mathematics/statistics/data science? Was there someone or something that inspired you to this field?
I have always enjoyed mathematics, but I suppose my third-grade teacher Mr Lang was a particular inspiration.
3. You received a Travel Grant to attend AMSI Summer School 2024. How important was this in terms of your ability to attend, fully participate in the program and meet others studying in similar fields? Do you think it was an advantage to attend the program in-person?
The Travel Grant was the only reason I was able to afford to attend the Summer School, and I am incredibly grateful. Attending the program in person is definitely advantageous from a learning perspective, but the most fun part of the Summer School for me was getting to know the other mathematics students who had come together from all over Australia.
4. What was the most valuable part of the program for you?
Probably the friendships I made, although the course credit is also very much appreciated.
5. In the long-term, what do you think are the benefits of having attended Summer School?
I think a bit practical benefit is that I will have to do one less unit during my Honours year at university, which will hopefully give me more time to work on my thesis.
6. Summer School included a special Careers Day program which aims to help give students an idea of the kinds of career paths available to maths graduates in industry and private sector research areas. Do you feel better equipped to explore career options in the mathematical sciences after attending AMSI Summer School?
The Careers Day was surprisingly useful. I found out about several opportunities for mathematics graduates, and received great advice from several different institutions about finding a job.
7. What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for Summer School in 2025? Should they apply and why?
Yes, they should definitely apply. You get course credits, the chance to meet other maths students, and (unless the Summer School is in your home town) the chance to live in a different city!
8. What are your current career ambitions in the mathematical sciences sector?
I’m hoping to find a job in industry after I finish my Honours. I found the representatives from the Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian Signals Directorate were especially interesting.
9. How did connecting with the community at AMSI Summer School support your experience?
Connecting with the community of mathematics students was probably the best part of the Summer School
10. Any other feedback/comments you would like to provide on the AMSI Travel Grant or AMSI Summer School 2024?
Thank you, AMSI!