In News

Congratulations to AMSI Vacation Research Scholarship alumni, Benjamin Whitehead, The University of Wollongong. The research project he began work on in the 2011/2012 Vacation Research Scholarship round has been published in the Volume 97 – Issue 02 – October 2014 edition of the Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.

Title: Cohomology of the Pinwheel Tiling

Abstract: We provide a computation of the Cˇech cohomology of the pinwheel tiling using the Anderson–Putnam complex. A border-forcing version of the pinwheel tiling is produced that allows an explicit construction of the complex for the quotient of the continuous hull by the circle. The cohomology of the continuous hull is given using a spectral sequence argument of Barge, Diamond, Hunton and Sadun.

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Benjamin Whitehead is now a software specialist at Tibra Capital, a global securities firm specialising in high frequency equities trading, arbitrage, market making and algorithmic trading. Ben was awarded a prestigious Tibra Capital Informatics Scholarship upon completion of his honours degree in 2012 and was hired to an ongoing position in 2013.

Each year AMSI funds around 50 university students from around Australia to spend their summer holidays working on research projects with a supervisor. Many universities encourage their students to participate in the Vacation Research Scholarship program to prepare them for honours/PhD coursework.

All VRS projects