By Will Stavely, Monash University You may have noticed that if you twist the end of an old-fashioned phone cord, it will start to bunch up into a clump somewhere in the middle of the cord. A [...]
Christopher Ryba, The University of Sydney Over the course of the summer, I undertook an AMSI Vacation Research Scholarship. Under the supervision of Prof. G. I. Lehrer, I studied the [...]
By Stuart Roberts, RMIT Growing up I never had a full understanding of just how important mathematics was in everyday life. Mathematics was always my favourite subject in school, but despite how [...]
By Wai Pun, The University of Adelaide As implied by the topic, statistical decision theory is about making decisions under uncertainty. In Decision Theory, we wish to choose the action that [...]
By Andrew Palermo, Griffith University Sending electricity through your brain sounds harmful and dangerous but in some cases it can change the way your brain works in a positive way. A method, [...]
By Diana Nguyen, The University of Sydney This project studies the classic problem in physics: the n-body problem. This problem is concerned with how n particles (or extended bodies) move [...]
By Ho Ka Ng, The University of Adelaide Is the coffee mug the same as the doughnut? This might sound like a silly question but in topology – a branch of mathematics they are considered to [...]
By Adam Murray, The University of Queensland We can think of the Willmore energy as a measure of the roundness of a surface sitting in three-dimensional space. This is perhaps easy to imagine in [...]
NEWCASTLE, TUESDAY 13 JANUARY, 2015: We are surrounded by space. And there are lots of things in that space. Have you ever wondered how these things are classified as shapes or objects? People [...]