Numerical Simulation in Sheet Metal Manufacturing Processes and its Impact on the Aerospace Industries
Numerical Simulation in Sheet Metal Manufacturing Processes and its Impact on the Aerospace Industries
Start Date:
8 July 2019
Michael Elford, Dr Andrew Stephan & Dr Yunpeng Zhang, Winter School 2019 Public Lecture ...
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Ocean Circulation As A Problem In Mathematical And Computational Physics: A Historical And Contemporary Perspective
Ocean Circulation As A Problem In Mathematical And Computational Physics: A Historical And Contemporary Perspective
Start Date:
30 January 2019
Speaker Schedule Talk abstract Watch this Public Lecture ...
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Susan Murphy
Susan Murphy
Start Date:
14 August 2018
AMSI-SSA Lecture Tour 2018 ...
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Julie Rowlett
Julie Rowlett
Start Date:
9 July 2018
Speaker Schedule Talk abstract Watch this Public Lecture ...
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Nick Trefethen
Nick Trefethen
Start Date:
30 January 2018
Speaker Schedule Talk abstract Watch this Public Lecture ...
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Genomics, big data and the future of medical research and healthcare
Genomics, big data and the future of medical research and healthcare
Start Date:
6 December 2017
Professor John Mattick AO ...
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Peter May
Peter May
Start Date:
3 July 2017
Speaker Schedule Talk abstract Watch this Public Lecture ...
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Maria Vlasiou
Maria Vlasiou
Start Date:
13 February 2017
Speaker Schedule PRESENTED IN CONJUCNTION WITH Talk abstracts ...
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